Your Circle of Friends is Getting Smaller and That’s Okay!

Diana Puspita
4 min readJun 8, 2021


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As you are getting older, little did you realize that your circle of friends is also shrinking. That is a common thing happens in the cycle of human life, especially there are some moment when you try to be more focus on your priorities and it makes you have less time to spend on others. The wiser your point of perspective is, the more normal it is going to be. I would tell you, it is really nothing personal. People come and go, while you just minding your own business.

Well, some people probably fine by losing or just aren’t in constant contact with their friends, but some people are not used to it. Hence, for the sake of your peace of life, I rigidly convince you to not freak out when you slowly losing your friends.

I can tell that when you first entering university, you thought that your circle of friends will last forever. Like dreaming on achieving a lot of things together, to graduate together, to get a proper jobs based on your each preferences, and to always get each other back when everything seems turning into chaos.

Oh boy, there is no such thing as forever, life is temporary and we have no one to blame.

You shouldn’t be wondering of what you did to make your friends go, you shouldn’t be the one who always check up on your friends if they don’t do the same to you, and it shouldn’t get into your way by trying to figure things out why are your friends left you. People moved across to experiences new things, your friends meet their new friends in new places, they get a job and they are currently figuring their life out. That moment is indeed confusing, when you realize you have fewer friends to talk to. You just have to accept it and cherish what’s left.

The life after you hit your 25 or even less, you began to aware that your circle of friends is getting smaller. In this stage of age, people are starting to find who they are and who they want to keep close. Therefore, what means for you will remain for you but remember that friendship is two-way communication. You need to notice that if the other person is seems like make zero effort to maintaining the communication in the friendship, then it considers as failed friendship.

But the most important thing is, you know who you are and who you want to keep. It is the matter of quality over quantity. Positive friends generate fruitful friendship which is, at this point, is more meaningful for your life and well-being. Moreover, if you hit your 25, you will automatically face a more complex circumstances and situations. Let’s say, at your age, there are people who are engaged but decided not to have kids, some other don’t believe in marriage and they prefer to stay alone, and some are still pursuing their education and career so they have no time for love or even kids. People have their own battles to fight, principles to hold, and situations to handle. So, it is pretty hard for some people to keep the friendship with their own situations.

But when it happens, there are three simple things to stay cool while facing the circle of friends that getting smaller:

Be calm

There no need to be confuse, anxious, or overthink everything that you might did something in the past to your friends that make them left or cut you off. Accept it, try to understand that it is on them who lose a good friend like you and please avoid any misunderstanding that leads into the future feud. Well, maybe your vision, priorities, and interests aren’t in line anymore with them which make the friendship won’t work. Just be calm and move forward.

Invest Your Time to Your Valuable Friend

As I told you before, your circle of friends is getting smaller. It is your decision to keep it small and intimate by investing your time to them. If you feel like they deserve your time and vice versa then go for it. You grow to become wiser and try to evaluate your friendship by letting it thrive naturally. Most of the long-term friendship are not based on an intense communication like talking and check on each other everyday, but it grows naturally. No need to texting or mention on each other’s on social media everyday because both of you value and respect each other time.

Adapt to Your New Environment

I know this thing is pretty inconvenience for some people. They might feel reluctant to open up and try to build new friendship with new people, but, hey! it is your chance to broaden your networks. Those “new people” could be your colleagues in work, your gym friends, or people who has the same interest with you. By building new relation or even friendship with new people, it could be beneficial for you in the future. You never know that someday you might need help from your colleagues at work outside from the work matter. Just try to adapt and adjust yourself with new environment.

Well, in a way to handle the shrinking of your circle of friends, you just need to prioritize your priority and cherish everything that’s left. Your circle of friends is getting smaller and that is totally fine!



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